I wish to dine in Five Star Hotel

I wish to dine in Five Star Hotel

Ammar Usman is a 9 years old boy suffering from Ventricular Septul Defect. Like everybody else he has hopes and dreams and on Friday June 27th 2014 Make A Wish Foundation made one of his dreams come true. It was his utmost desire to dine at a five star hotel with his family. He wanted to have a day where there would be only happiness and joy, his wish was granted by taking him to Movenpick which is a well known hotel. This wish may seem small to some but to Ammar, it was the biggest wish of his life. Make A Wish gave him a day filled with joy where he went to Movenpick and tried different cuisines, something he had always wanted to do. He had Italian, Chinese and sweet dishes etc. He heard music all day and this for him was a life time experience. It was a memorable day for him something that he would never forget and will remain in his memories forever. It was one of the best day of Ammar’s life as he claimed and he Thanked Make A Wish for giving him the day where there would only be happiness. His joy is what made it count.

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